Escape These Pests and Enjoy Your Yard Again

The Facts on Mosquitoes and Ticks

The weather is finally starting to turn (albeit slowly) and now is the time that you want to get outside and start to enjoy your yard again. Unfortunately, insects can have you and your guests running for cover indoors. Who really wants to be inside after that long winter? Here are a few facts on these pests to inform you of some of their habits and potential dangers.

Mosquito in yard

Mosquito facts:

There are 51 different species of mosquitoes in Massachusetts. Most adults spend the day in damp shady areas away from the sun. Only the female mosquito bite to suck blood, which is used to make eggs (not for breakfast).

Different species like different blood types, some like frogs and turtles, others bite mammals, horses, birds and humans. These mosquitoes play a major role in spreading diseases from birds to horses and humans, like West Nile virus and EEE.

Tick on a blade of grass

Tick facts:

Ticks are found in shady, damp, brushy, grassy or wooded areas. They do not jump or fly, they have to be in direct contact to attach to people or animals. Certain species of ticks can spread diseases like Lyme, babesiosis, anaplasmosis, tularemia, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Borrelia miyamotoi, and Powassan virus.

Kids laying on grass in yard

How to prevent these pests

(The insects not the kids…)

Mosquitoes enjoy wet areas where dirty, stagnant water exists. This includes bird baths, sandboxes, gutters, swimming pool covers and the list goes on. They need standing water to lay their eggs which feed then feed on the bacteria built up in this location. Reducing puddling and standing water is a great start to keeping these biting insects at bay.

Ticks also look for damp areas to live in and around. Ticks tend to perch on taller grasses to wait for animals (humans included) to walk by and they then latch on. Be sure to clear any fallen leaves, tall grass or yard debris in and around your property to lessen the chance of ticks finding a home or breeding ground.

Pesticides can help, but have also been proven to be harsh on other insects that we need in our ecosystem, like bees. All-natural solutions are available and should be used whenever possible. These products have been proven to be just as effective and are safer for the environment and your family.

All Natural Insect Solution

Our newly improved system safely connects directly to your irrigation system to dispense an all-natural repellent to create a barrier around your entire landscape to control numerous insects.